
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Walt: Identify 2D Polygons

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Walt: Introduce the novel we're chosen and our literacy goals for the term

This term I have chosen to read the hunger games by Suzanne Collins and I want to finish the book by the end of the term. So far I've read that some of the character are Buttercup the cat, Gale, Prim and Katniss. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

What is climate change

Walt : summarise the text in our own words 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Variable meaning

Walt: use BEDMAS to solve algebraic equations

Thursday, August 29, 2019

film making

Walt: summarise in our own words

Monday, August 26, 2019

Order of Operations

Walt : Solve Algebraic equations

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Recount for film making

Walt: make a film and to edit

Me, Dylan, Seth, Xtyrling and Cameron did a film about Basketball and Me, Dylan, Seth and Xtryrling were having a 2 v 2 and it was me and Dylan vs Xtyrling and Seth and Cameron was the Camera man and at first we were mucking around then when miss Fleet came down we started to do our work and start filming because we weren’t doing the right thing so after all that Cameron just finished our edits and our film so we were saved.

Reflection: We were play a game of basketball and thats what we thought we might film about so we film us playing a game of basketball

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The human brain

Walt: Think critically about a rang of texts by summarising and evaluating new information   Reflection: We have been learning about the human brain, cognitive health, Dream catchers, why sleep is good for the brain, Solar system, Astrology and my own star sign, Scorpio. This took me two weeks to finish and I had to make replicas about the solar system and the human brain. We all learnt about the human brain from day one and that was easy but then it got harder and harder. Then we had to look what happens in space about all the planets and how they work. Then we had to look at star signs and whats their strengths and weaknesses. I learnt about my weaknesses and what my strengths. I hope we some more information about the solar system and Astrology because they were cool to learn about.    

Friday, June 21, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The human brain

Walt: Create and label a 3D picture of the brain

Reflection: Today we are learning about the inner workings of our brain and how it works. This was so easy when I knew what to do but when I first started I had no idea what to do then I got used to it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Maths: Squaring whole numbers

Walt: square whole numbers Reflection: This was so easy I got it done in like 5 minutes. I hope we do harder ones on paper but it was so easy. we had to know what squaring number was but I already knew. It's basically times it by 2 like 9 squared is 81 because you times it by the number it is. I think??

Friday, June 7, 2019

Kindness (Value)

Walt: analyse kindness as one of our school values Reflection: Kindness is one of our values in kaingaroa and we did all the things about it. We worked on respect, responsibility and the main one Kindness. This was so boring but we all had to do it.

Friday, May 31, 2019

team building once again

Walt: make connections between human skeletal system and our science project

Reflection: Our bouncy eggs didn't work the first time but we are still working for the next. We left them for 5 days when we had to leave it for 4 days instead so it didn't work. but we still have more coming. I enjoyed doing this project with my friends. We used a jar, egg and vinegar but when we are going to bounce it you need to rinse it off with water. Next time we should leave it for the days it needs to be so it can bounce probably.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Team building again

Walt: show our school values during team building

Reflection: We did team building again and it was way better this time we used respect, kindness and we were all responsible at the marshmallow catapult. The first try was really bad but we used that and turned that bad into good because we did way better in the second try. I hope we do it again sometime like tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team building

Walt: show our school values during team building

Reflection: building a marshmallow tower with toothpicks for our team building with Max and Aneika. We really didn't help each other we only did our own towers then we thought about adding them together but it didn't work out. Next time, we can show a bit more respect and kindness and try working together.

Friday, May 17, 2019

How the Heart works

Walt: Know about the heart and know how it works   Reflection: Me and Jaspa have been working on how the heart works this term and we have been working hard that it is all finished. The other writing is about someone getting lost in the snow and got frostbite.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Walt: Find the perimeter of inregular shapes

Reflection: Doing maths in class and working hard doing the right thing with my class mates. It was real easy I hope we can do harder so I can actually try more harder than what I did before. I copied the Walt into my poster.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What is Kia Tika

Walt: share what respect is at Kaingaroa School Reflection: Working with my buddie and doing our value (Respect) from Kaingaroa. It was so easy doing all the Transitions and putting the photos on the slide. I did everything except the writing my buddie Richie did all of that.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

level 4 reflection

Walt : think critically about texts and respond accordingly

 This week, I read two texts about the wilderness and digestive system.
I couldn't believe that they had to eat rats instead of something else.

The decisions I made this week was horrible and I will think about this because I'm not proud of myself

My Digestive system work

Walt: think critically about texts and respond accordingly
Reflection: It was cool to learn about the digestive system and all the stuff that is happens in your body right now. Also I liked that we learned and read about the survival in the wilderness from Bryan and Ted. Me and my buddie Jaspa have made some examples for the wilderness camp.
This was awesome to do and I hope we can do more reading about cool, awesome writing that people have done. Hope you Enjoy

Monday, May 6, 2019

What is the area ???

Walt: find the area of a 2D shape Reflection: It was kinda hard but not all of them. this was awesome.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Skeletal system

Walt: think critically about texts and respond accordingly Reflection: This was hard at first but then got easier and easier by the minute after I got used to it. It was fun making a skeleton on Tinkacab. I hope we do this again 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Jaykahn waitangi

 walt; to support our learning about waitangi Reflection; this was awesome and hard to do it right. but I like storyboard

Jaykahn treaty of waitangi

Walt; write why we need a treaty in Waitangi Reflection; This was easy as and i hope we can do it again. Our class on Friday went to the treaty of waitangi and it was boring on the bus on the way to waitangi, but it was awesome looking at all the cool things that were at waitangi