
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My Speech

Walt; We are learning how to write a persuasive paragraph about plastic,global warming and captive animals.

Hi my name is Jaykahn and I am going to talk to you today about why you should trust me with our future. I am going to tell you all about plastic in our oceans , catching animals and putting them in zoos and the worst of all global warming.

The first reason I have why you should trust me with our future is that I have a lot of knowledge about how to make our world sustainable. There are five big places in our ocean filled with rubbish. The biggest one is called the Pacific Gyre, that is where all of the rubbish and all the plastic is basically circulating around in a giant whirlpool of rubbish. It is really bad for our sea creatures because they are eating the rubbish and it is going into their bodies and killing them. I watched a video about a guy diving in the ocean and there were no fish, NO NOTHING! So he went diving for nothing because all he could catch was plastic and heaps of rubbish. I feel bad because we won't be able to swim in the summer because of the amount of rubbish and plastic there is in the sea. It is now turning turquoise instead of a nice ocean blue that is why we need to stop using plastic bags and start using bags that are not plastic, and all of the other kinds of non degradable plastic we use. Trust me, because I know how to put a stop to this problem.

The second reason you have to trust me with our future is about stopping animals being captive. Captive animals are happier in their own natural habitat instead of the zoo. They don’t know how to hunt when they come out of the zoo. It is unfair because they don’t have to get caught and get put in a small size cage so people can look at them. Therefore the zookeepers give them their food instead of them getting their own food and hunting for it themselves. Animals got all their food right in front of them and their water in a nice enclosure. The book that we are reading, ‘The one and only Ivan’ is a book that a silverback gorilla is trapped in a little domain where he is safe but still they are better on their own in the wild hunting and not being fat and lazy. You can buy a ticket and see wild animals in their natural habitats instead of catching them and putting them in a small size cage. They are feeling sad because he wants to be in his natural habitat with all of his friends and family. They will miss everything that the humans have taken away from them that is why they have no freedom and no real life experience how to live and hunt and everything that they don’t know how to do. Believe me when I tell you we do not need captive animals in our future.

My last but not least reason that you need to trust me with our future is all about global warming. We have a global warming problem because carbon dioxide is getting trapped in our atmosphere. If one of the gases get higher than the other ones then it would be unbalanced and the rest the water levels will rise and the ice caps will start melting. We have four gases in our atmosphere that is carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane and ozone. Humans are burning too much fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gases. The trees are our lungs of the earth because the trees suck up the carbon dioxide and replaces it with oxygen that helps us breathe. My advice is to plant heaps of trees, they are good for our earth and if we had no trees we wouldn't be on this planet right now. The air would be so dirty, we wouldn't be able to breath because of all the carbon dioxide in the air. I feel bad about how our world could look in the future. We need to make changes now instead of later!!

I hope I have convinced you about not using plastic, leaving the animals in their own natural habitat and stop burning fossil fuels. You NEED to trust me with our future. thank you for listening to my speech.

The reason we had to make this speech is to convince everybody not to be littering , global warming and stop catching animals and putting them in zoos.

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